In this magical and adventurous tale, little Momo sets off to travel to New York City in search of Momo’s beloved Uncle Yeti. Momo is a brave, kind, and joyous dumpling who lives in Nepal. Every day, Momo performs similar activities in Momo’s “backyard,” which includes scaling the world’s tallest mountains—the Himalayas. However, Momo has become a bit bored of this daily routine and wishes to go on an adventure. Momo always wished to travel to New York City, which is much different from Momo’s home. When a booming voice from the mountains announces “Leave these mountains, Momo. Go forth and explore! An adventure awaits you. One never seen before,” Momo gets that chance. It doesn’t take long for Momo to learn where to go. Uncle Yeti—a friendly giant with insatiable hunger—has sent a postcard asking for help. It’s now up to Momo to travel across the world with Momo’s little magic box and use some handy puzzle-solving skills to find Uncle Yeti in an unforgettable adventure! BOOK INSPIRATION: Momo and Uncle Yeti's Adventures to New York City book represents not only my journey to the US as a child from Nepal but also some of my favorite things in life: travel, good food, cultures, and family. I remember how excited and nervous I was when I moved from Nepal at age 11. Starting a life in the US meant meeting people unlike myself, having new experiences, and adapting to a different culture but it also meant celebrating my own heritage, and sharing it with others. I wanted to share these memories and feelings by writing a book that kids and parents could enjoy. The connections I have built when sharing a meal whether it is with my family, friends or others have been powerful. It is a time to share personal experiences - family recipes, cultural experiences, funny immigrant stories, and a variety of struggles. Many of my favorite memories involve eating food with others, and so many of these memories are tied to my experience of immigrating. One of my favorite things to do is to have “momo parties.” In case it wasn’t obvious, momos are Nepalese dumplings that can be filled with vegetables, meat, Nepali spices, and lots of love. They involve a fair amount of work to make, so getting together with friends and family to make big batches of momos happens frequently. I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t said “more momos, please!” during one of these gatherings. Nepal isn’t known only for its highest mountain peaks and delicious momos, but also for its most famous mythical creature, the Yeti. I have always loved myths, and in our culture, one thing is certain about Yetis: they are mysterious and quite large. The Yeti in my book is kind, happy, goofy, and he has an insatiable appetite for all kinds of food. I hope this book brings you all a sense of joy and an appetite for food, travel, and adventure. May it remind you to make time for the best things in life! The author, Sibani, is available for book readings and other special events. She can be reached at [email protected] |